Classroom Teachers:
Each classroom teacher will be given $100 to purchase materials for his or her classroom. These funds will be distributed as cash payments. Teachers will be required to sign off in order to receive their $100. If you are not present when the funds are distributed, please contact the PTA to arrange a time to receive them. We will not distribute funds to another teacher on your behalf.
Special Area Teachers:
Each special area teacher has been allotted a specific amount to spend for this school year that can be found on the budget. These funds are available immediately. Please refer to the following information for reimbursement of purchases.
- Keep all receipts to turn in with your check request. REQUESTS NOT ACCOMPANIED BY A READABLE RECEIPT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Please try to separate classroom purchases from personal purchases on the same receipt.
- When ordering materials from a website or catalog, try to get a total from the vendor and allow the treasurer to submit a check with the order. If that’s not possible and you pay with your personal credit card, be sure to keep a copy of the page that proves payment and submit with your check request.
- Always check with catalog vendors before placing an order. Many times they will give discounts to teachers that you may not be aware of.
- Check request forms can be found here
- Please fill out the check request form COMPLETELY with the information required. Please add up all amounts for a TOTAL on the check request form.
- Scan the check request form and any receipts and email it to treasurer.endhavenpta@gmail.com.
- If the request is time sensitive, please contact the treasurer so they can get the fund to you ASAP.
- Please allow 2 weeks for reimbursement. You can submit your check request form and/or expect reimbursement on the 1st or 15th of the month.
Please feel free to contact the treasurer with any questions at treasurer.endhavenpta@gmail.com.